4 Reasons Why Professional Development Classes for Nannies are Important
The Institute for Families and Nannies has long recognized the importance of professional development for nannies. Here's 4 good reasons why:
By continuing her education, a nanny is better able to discuss with future employers what she knows about children and how she would care for them. Chirp offers monthly classes such as the importance of play, how to handle sibling rivalry, and how to support language development and literacy. By attending training sessions such as these, nannies demonstrate to parents that they are passionate about their jobs and the children they care for.
Attending classes with other nannies creates a safe community where nannies can learn, help and support each other through similar challenges they face on the job. Issues such as how to handle picky eaters, what to do when toddlers throw tantrums in public, and how to establish or maintain sleep schedules can be presented and discussed with fellow nannies, ensuring that nannies get emotional support and don’t feel isolated in their work.
Professional development classes can give nannies more confidence, allowing them to professionalize their work by developing portfolios for prospective, current or future employees. A nanny with a professional portfolio shows parents that this nanny takes her job seriously, and will expect to be treated as a professional in all aspects of employment—including compensation.
No one should experience the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, which is why Chirp encourages financial literacy to help nannies live more secure financial lives. Financial workshops and classes can help nannies learn about budgeting, how much to charge, how to handle taxes and how to save for retirement. Join us for the Financial Planning for Nannies Workshop on June 26th! (More information below.)
The Institute for Families and Nannies has found that nannies want and need to talk to their peers about the challenges they face and the situations they are experiencing on the job. That’s why we are passionate about supporting nannies so they can better partner with parents to give children the love and care they need and deserve.
Check out our class offerings in the training section of our website!
Photo Credit: GSCSNJ/flickr.com