The Nanny and Family Studies Program at Foothill College


A Career Pathway for Nannies in Early Childhood Education



The Nanny and Family Studies Program at Foothill College

Education and certification programs for nannies

Want to earn college credits for nanny courses at a community college?

Enroll at Foothill College’s Nanny and Family Studies program, a unique collaboration between TIFFAN and Foothill College, a CA Community College in the San Francisco Bay Area that created the first nanny courses recognized by a higher education institution in the U.S. 

Students earn college credits for these courses that count towards an Associates in Child Development and will be part of a Certificate of Achievement in Nanny and Family Studies. 

Earn the respect and recognition as a childcare professional in the field of early care and education. 

Foothill College also offers:











Program Overview

Quality care happens when parents and nannies work together to provide the best care for children.  The Nanny and Family Studies Program at Foothill College supports quality care by educating and training nannies in the unique ways they work with parents in the care of their children.  Whether in communicating with parents in how care will happen, creating a home-based curriculum that supports development or managing the essential health, safety and nutrition needs of the child, these unique college courses provide nannies with the knowledge and skills to effectively collaborate with parents to ensure quality in-home childcare.   

Nannies want standardized educational pathways to improve their skills and earn recognition and respect for the important work they do. The Nanny and Family Studies Program at Foothill College offers the unique training and college credits that passionate nannies seek to secure their place as early care educators in the childcare industry.   Experts in the field of nannying and higher education will teach these courses and through their knowledge and mentorship guide students to be the best they can be in the relationships they create with parents and the children they care for. 

The Nanny and Family Studies Program is curated to highlight the unparalleled, specific demands of nannying that makes it uniquely different than center-based care.

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3 Individual Courses

Take nanny courses together with other child development courses to earn an Associates Degree in Child Development.


CHLD 80A: Communication & Self-Reflection Practices for Nannies - 2 units

This course focuses on empowering nannies by learning the unique characteristics of communication with parents as employers.

CHLD 80B: Curriculum In The Home - 2 Units

This course focuses on designing developmentally appropriate and culturally appropriate curricular activities and enrichment for young children with a focus on using the home environment as the classroom.

Safety & Nutrition of Young Children in the Home - 1 unit

This course focuses on practices for ensuring the health and safety for children from infancy through preschool age under a nanny's care.


Foothill College Program FAQs

How are these courses different than other nanny classes?
These three unique nanny courses have been approved by the California Department of Education (DOE), a higher education accredited institution. Students earn Early Childhood Education (ECE) college credits that can be applied toward an Associates Degree in Child Development. They are part of a 21-unit Certificate of Achievement in Nanny and Families Studies currently in the approval process at Foothill College and the CA DOE. Information about the Nanny and Families Studies program can be found here.

Do I have to enroll as a full-time student, or can I take the nanny courses only?
Nannies can enroll for the nanny courses only. The Communication & Self-Reflection Practices for Nannies course (CHLD 80A, register with CRN 21692) is offered in September 2021. The Curriculum in The Home course (CHLD 80B) and Safety & Nutrition of Young Children in the Home (CHLD 80C) will be offered in the Winter and Spring quarters. We encourage nannies to plan ahead and sign up for as many courses as fits their schedule to complete certification. We encourage nannies to schedule an appointment with a counselor to answer questions and create a plan that best suits you.

I’ve never attended college before. Can I apply?

Foothill has an open-door admission policy for all high-school graduates and non-graduates who are 18 years of age or older. Please check here for additional information.

What does it cost?
Tuition for California residents, including semester fees, range from $85 - 125.00 for each nanny course.   Student fees for those living outside California, including semester fees, range from $260 - 465.00 for each nanny course.  Cost for books and supplies are additional and vary based on the courses.  Students enrolling in additional courses incur additional fees for those courses.  For further information, contact Foothill.

What career opportunities are available as a student and after graduation?
TIFFAN’s Certification to Employment program offers students and graduates job training support to find employment with quality families.

I need to work while going to school. When are the classes scheduled?
Foothill and TIFFAN are committed to supporting students that need to work while continuing their education. The courses are held Saturday mornings with 2 hours Fridays on your time for classroom assignment.

Is financial aid available?
Yes! Financial aid is available to all students with eligibility based on last year’s earnings. California residents that are first-time, full-time students (12 units or more) are eligible to have the cost of tuition and fees fully paid for their first two years at Foothill College, except for the summer session. Applying for financial aid is easy and convenient. Click here to apply.

Are scholarships available?

Yes! Both Foothill College and TIFFAN offer scholarships. Sign up here to learn more

Will the classes meet in person or online?
Classes will be online during the 2022-23 school year.

I’m not tech savvy. Is there help with learning how to take online classes?
Yes! Foothill has student orientation via a live Zoom session during the first week of the quarter, or you can take online tutorials. Student Tech Ambassadors are also available for support. Click here for information on getting tech support.

I want to register! How do I sign up!

Sign up here to get updates on classes for the Fall 2022 quarter.